Tag body
Listen to Your Body- 8 Food Cravings and What To Do About it

The salt of life- health benefits of natural sea salt

In a world inundated with processed foods and artificial additives, the resurgence of natural sea salt heralds a return to ancestral wisdom and holistic health practices. How can you benefit from this mineral-rich elixir of the sea? We invite you…
Easy Steps to Break Free From Trauma Bonds and Reset Your Emotional Well-Being and Purpose

Holistic Healing: Your Body Clears Traumatic Energy Channelled by Emotions

Have you noticed that your body is fighting to clear from traumatic emotions and energy ? The path to health isn’t about treating the body; it’s about embracing your emotions and looking at yourself as an interconnected whole. Preventing poor…
Does Loneliness Age Your Body More Quickly?

Stay Young and Fit: Fun and Easy Exercises to Keep Your Body and Mind Active

Who doesn’t want to stay young and vibrant? There is a sense of excitement and wonder that comes with exploring new experiences and having fun while keeping your body and mind active. It is more about giving yourself a break…
12 Good Reasons To Meal Prep

Who hasn’t left work late, dreaming of a good meal but feeling energy depleted and very little desire to shop and then cook? A quick takeout meal could be the answer, even if that means turning a blind eye on…
In Confidence With Sandra Deira And Her Journey Into Wellness

100 Loving Ways A Girl Can Say Yes! To Happiness