Inner Peace, Where To Find It And Cherish It During Self Isolation
inner peace is the holy grail, an internal emotional wave that you must learn how to navigate in good days and especially during bad days.

If you’ve dreamed of being in a loving relationship or being successful in the Self Isolation Economy or walking out of a toxic job or relationship, you always wondered how to find inner peace.
Looking for Inner Peace makes you an actual Unicorn. Digital nomads or not, the Unicorns are everywhere according to recent studies, constantly looking for what they can’t find on google: Inner Peace.
People across industries are applying their knowledge in new, innovative ways, and learning new skills, but applying the latest technology is no longer enough to feel happy within. Endless time invested in creating resources to design better lives, trading family time to building professional success and, yet, only personal wisdom is able to enrich your life beyond social conditioning .
Is it possible to find Inner Peace? While you’re traveling in your mind or surfing the net looking how to find it, for the best part of human history, in the past and at present, inner peace is the holy grail, an internal emotional wave that you must learn how to navigate in good days and especially during bad days. Fortunately, the answers you are seeking are not outside your reach, or in the outer world, and you can find them closer than you might think: peace starts with you. Here are a few simple steps to get closer to your happy self.
Going for a walk could help you find Inner Peace
Clearing your mind of worries, negative thoughts and anxieties, could be a tall order. Start by thinking how simply amazing life is. There are difficult patches along the way, of course! How do you escape the darkness and the overwhelm of challenges? When you go for a walk, remember to leave your worries behind, start noticing the sounds around you, the colours in front of you. Trees, flowers, birds are an unequivocal proof that no winter survive spring.
Helping Someone who is struggling could help you master Inner Peace
It is hard not to notice someone who is struggling. Helping others is a complex process but it helps you healing your own wounds. Be mindful that, perhaps, talking doesn’t appeal to them, and forcing them into a conversation could have the exact opposite effect. Ask them what they want to do or offer to listen, lend them a listening ear, because suffering is optional and they will have the chance to release their pain. A simple hug could change the way they feel about themselves. Each time you want to help somebody is like being in an airplane which experience severe turbulence, and if you want to help others, you must remember to put your oxygen mask first .
Practice The Art of Listening
Most of the time, living in a big city, doesn’t give you the time to ‘make conversation’ with total strangers on your commute, your next-door neighbour or even your close friends and family.
What if you are not an extrovert? Start with a smile, doesn’t cost you anything and the chances are, the world will smile back with you. Research shows that as little as a smile, listening and engaging in a few minutes of good communication, makes you happier. You might not change the world, but you could change somebody’s day for better.
Social skills are natural to humans, we just need to remember we are humans after all, and while unique in every aspect of our existence, respecting our differences makes us better individuals.
Celebrating simple things and everything in between
The standards of your thinking determine the standards of your life. Your thinking can go as far as your imagination takes you. Plan an outing and expect to be a great experience, anticipate best outcome. Share your enthusiasm with others or simply write about any up-coming celebrations in your journal, or make your journalling a public adventure and turn it into an article or blog .
There is more to life than just work, there is Celebrating your Work! If work is what defines you, celebrate other women and their unique talent, tell the story behind your passion!
Who I celebrate today?
Today I celebrate you, the woman reading this letter and all the total strangers, who I wish I’ve met sooner, including myself. Today, in self isolation, we launch our new magazine online and get together with a team of remarkable women who are shaping the world, to help millions of women to re-imagine themselves.
Lesley Calvo, who is a regular columnist for Sovereign Magazine and the guest editor for Rich Woman Switzerland. At present Lesley is on a treasure hunt, seeking new female talent, influencers, celebrities and high frequency women who re-imagined themselves. Today she paused to celebrate her daughter Sienna who turns six!
One of our columnists and dear friend Ysanne Lewis is launching her new column today and we could celebrate together while she renews her vows for her passion, for helping women understand the power of timing. Celebrating Ysanne’s passion who, just like me and you, survived many challenges along the way, keeps the conversation open and bring the chance to create meaningful connections during self isolation.
Who I celebrate today? My dear friends and team members who are recovering from Covid-19, the NHS teams who took care of them, and me, The Cover Girls who are gracing our publications across the globe, the creatives, the producers of high frequency, each and every man and woman who is part of the river of inspiration turning a daring dream into reality today, all remarkable women who gracefully accepted my invitation to put together a feast for the soul. I celebrate my own children and yours!
No, I am not forgetting You, The Reader, for celebrating them and re-imagining yourself after self isolation and beyond!
Together, we are taking the less travelled road, from consumerism to wellness, changing habits, switching perception, becoming aware of what is ready available within your own heart, making deliberate decisions on who we become, as women, mothers and sisters, building the Rich Woman Society serving the one world holding us alive.
The Feast for The Soul Lesley Calvó Ysanne Lewis Helena Zachariassen– My Happy Home Annette Ebbinghaus Bettina Hein and Zalina Walchli Photot credit Elaine pringle
What if you have nothing to celebrate?
Anticipating a joyful occasion strengthens your positive attitude and masters your optimism. How do I know? When I turned fifty years old, my children organised a surprise party on my birthday, knowing that during the 3 decades of motherhood I was too “busy” and I will forgot to celebrate my birthday, again, like every other year before. Thanks to them, I learned that we all have choices to make and live by them. Since, I’ve made a wise decision: I celebrate my birthday each day. I am now fifty eight years young.
Start looking for simple things in your life. It is a scientific fact that joyful, simple things enhance happiness.
When possible, see a show I love How to be Human with Ruby Wax
PS: Remember who you are!
Be kind to yourself*Focus on your strengths to master your life* Give yourself credit for every step you make into another day*Each day is a miracle *Remember to laugh about your imperfections*I do*They make you whole and authentic* If you speak more than one language or if you speak with an accent doesn’t mean you think with an accent*don’t be afraid to voice your message*there are people waiting for your message to be delivered*they will celebrate your courage to stand into your own light for them to SEE themselves with a fresh pair of eyes *Take this moment with all it’s imperfections and make it perfect!* If you feel that something is still missing*have the* #StardustHour *always packed with love and gratitude*listen in with an open mind *
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