How to Attract and Manifest More of What You Want in 2022

With endless advice offered on social media, we wonder what is the real key to attract and manifest more of what you want in life? Hashtag #lawofattraction has almost two billion views on Google and #manifest has over a billion views on TikTok.

For most people money, happiness, that dream home, relationship, job or those dream clients are still a distant future memory. What is the cause of disconnect from these techniques? Is it really possible to attract more of what you want and manifest the life you deserve?

Is it enough to imagine what you want as if has already happened? What about if you can’t visualise, or use a ‘vision board? Would writing it down, and using positive language and self belief lead to successful manifestations?

In very early Hindu, Christian and Buddhist writings, leading thinkers have always believed that our thoughts shape our reality. Ideas similar to the law of attraction were introduced by spiritual authors and teachers suggested that what we offer to the world around determines what we get in return.

In this article we look into who brought the law of attraction back to the 21th century.

With endless advice offered on social media, we wonder what is the real key to attract and manifest more of what you want in life? Hashtag #lawofattraction has almost two billion views on Google and #manifest has over a billion views on TikTok.

Manifestation known as law of attraction, gained a massive audience in association to a film The Secret. Most people heard of ‘The Secret’ the movie but very few people know that the person who really broke the code of applying the Law of Attraction, is actually the author who self published the book ‘The Law of Attraction’, three years before the movie was released.

It took another three years for Oprah to discover the secret behind ‘the Secret’: an unknown self published author from a little town in Victoria, British Columbia, who dedicated his life understanding, perfecting, teaching and creating a system to apply the Law of Attraction, when nobody else did.

Sharing your story changes your story and inspire others

While hashtag #manifestation goes viral on social media, to change your own reality, you need to change the story you tell yourself about yourself when nobody else is listening- the only story that matters, carefully monitoring your thoughts, beliefs and feelings.

In a recent survey we learned that 85% of the population wants to change the world but only a very small percentage agrees to change themselfves, their behaviour and attitude. How do you create your own reality and design your future? Where do you begin?

Writing a book, sharing your story, it seems to be the best step forward. Statistics show that 5,500 new book titles are released every day. Self published authors are struggling to attract the millions of readers they imagined would read their book. Some are willing to go the extra mile, authograph their books, go on book tours but is that going to make them visible?

Will you really monetise your story or it will be another distand dream?

With this question we draw a line in the sand, as according to Michael Losier, the quintessential expert and best selling author of “Law of Attraction”, one of the the main things to do to attract more of what you want in life is killing self doubt.

Manifestation- a new age spirituality or the key to attract more of what you want in life

We asked Michael Losier how he manifested his dream of being interviewed by Oprah.

Michael Losier began conceptualising the Law of Attraction, long before “The Secret” documentary, while maintaining a full-time government job during the nineties. This knowledge led to a weekly group meeting in his home town where he taught Law of Attraction “How-To” techniques. In 1998 he reduced his 5-day work week and devoted Fridays to speaking about the Law of Attraction to the locals and the business community in Victoria, British Columbia.

Within a year he resigned from his job, as he was busy five days a week coaching, speaking, and training Law of Attraction. During this time, while he was building and collecting material and content for a book that he will write and self- publish a few years later, in 2003, he often expressed his desire to be interviewed by Oprah.

Law of Attraction, The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t Want was self published in 2003 and after the successful launch and sell-out of the book, it was purchased by his publisher and became his first best-selling book with 3,7 million copies sold in 37 languages.

The blockbuster documentary The Secret Movie was released three years later, in 2006.

In 2009, Oprah Winfrey interviewed the speakers from the movie The Secret and within a few days of airing Oprah’s episode, Michael received three separate calls from three producers at the Oprah Winfrey show. They were asking for material on the Law of Attraction after learning that Michael was the guy who helped explain it best. Three books were sent to Oprah Winfrey’s office and within a week, Michael received a call from the Radio Department at Oprah Radio.

They were requesting an interview with Michael on Oprah’s Sunday Soul Series. The 30-minute interview with Oprah went by quickly and within one minute of the interview, Oprah asked Michael to stay on the line for a second interview. This happened a total of four times. Michael was asked by Oprah’s Radio Programming to host his own Law of Attraction Radio Show on Oprah & Friends.

If manifestation makes everything achievable than social media users need more than free advice about how to do this. They need to look at the techniques which created real life changes results, including how to release negative emotions from your life.

“You’re feeling this way because you have unprocessed negative emotions from your past. These trapped emotions are causing your problems. The GREAT news is that I can find them, and delete them on your behalf using the Emotion Code.”

Michael Losier

This idea of manifestation is found beyond TikTok – it has entered many boardrooms and most successful executives are serious about self development.

With endless advice offered on social media, we wonder what is the real key to attract and manifest more of what you want in life? Hashtag #lawofattraction has almost two billion views on Google and #manifest has over a billion views on TikTok.

What does it take to move the niddle and manifest the life you want?

The belief that positive thoughts and visualisation alone can help people create their own reality, is linked to very simple truths that are not disclosed fully. Most people are not aware of or don’t understand how to apply the Law of Attraction. For example, it is said that the Universe or an external force will respond to your positive thoughts and manifest your heart desires. In reality not much happens when you are positive and visualise. Michael Losier unlocks the other half of the truth teaching that” the law of attraction matches vibrations, both positive and negative”

Of course nobody can be positive all the time. The idea is that if you are negative, you invite other negative people and more negativity into your life. Author Louise Hay explains: “I believe that everyone, myself included, is 100% responsible for everything in our lives … we create our experiences, our reality and everyone in it.”

Personal responsability to attract and manifest what you want more in life

At first glance, the law of attraction represents a powerful set of “rules” about how to behave and think but very few people teach you how to apply it.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a sense of anxiety and instability and we all experience a new anxiety pandemic while nurturing mental health. A massive increase of mental health issues, across generations is forcing us to look at what we have and work on our strenghts instead of feeling we are the victims. Finding a way to manifest and re- gain control of our lives is a choice. Each one of us have the ability to re-imagine your future self.

Before giving up and doubting you ability to manifest your dreams, understand how to apply the Law of Attraction. It could change your story. It changed mine.

Dr Marina Nani
Dr Marina Nani

Editor-in-Chief of Rich Woman Magazine, founder of Sovereign Magazine, author of many books, Dr Marina Nani is a social edification scientist coining a new industry, Social Edification.
Passionately advocating to celebrate your human potential, she is well known for her trademark "Be Seen- Be Heard- Be You" running red carpet events and advanced courses like Blog Genius®, Book Genius®, Podcast Genius®, the cornerstones of her teaching.
The constant practitioner of good news, she founded MAKE THE NEWS
( MTN) with the aim to diagnose and close the achievement gap globally.
Founder of many publications, British Brands with global reach Marina believes that there is a genius ( Stardust) in each individual, regardless of past and present circumstances.
"Not recognising your talent leaves society at loss. Sharing the good news makes a significant difference in your perception about yourself, your industry and your community."

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