Gems From The Stars And Astrological Insights With Ysanne July 2020

How did you feel during the two important eclipses of June? The lunar full moon one on 5th and the solar new moon one on 21st were navigational times for choices, a clearing of old patterns and reactions, and for new beginnings. Eclipses are very tiring and it is good to pace oneself during those times.
Unusually, we have a third eclipse coming up, two weeks after the last one – the lunar full moon one on 5th July! The cosmos certainly wants to send messages to us! The word ‘eclipse’ means to leave, so it is timely to look at what may need pruning and changing.
July sees the messenger planet, Mercury, in retrograde motion until 12th. Retrograde planets come just at the right time to suggest we pause. It is only the brain that overlooks the quality of pausing, and so our bodies and hearts remind us of this – sometimes even in the form of illnesses – to give us a needed pause. The world is experiencing a big pause now.
Different reactions to this are obvious but wake up calls and re valuing what matters is paramount. Using the prefix ‘Re’ in front of words help: re edit, re do, re visit, re think, re assess etc. Take time to go back over things and avoid hasty decisions. People can reappear in your life and old opportunities to revisit. The intuitive mind is front stage now rather than the logical.
Until July 22nd The Sun is in Cancer, reminding us to nurture self and others, and then the Sun enters fiery Leo for 30 days, suggesting we shine our light on what we believe. How can we help others to shine too?
Courage, creativity and being present in what we do being the keywords. The social masculine and feminine planets of Mars and Venus are aligning nicely this month, especially after the 12th July, enhancing flexible dialogues and attractions.
Fire Signs
Your ruling planet Mars is in your sign all this month. What are you waiting for? Energy is up and decisions can be made. Things will slot into place more after the 12th when Mercury goes forward in its motion, and midmonth sees friendly and creative encounters lifting your spirits.
Until the 22nd the Sun highlights your home arena and you will be feeling like giving a summer facelift to your abode! After that the social animal in you gets a break and, whether outdoors or indoors (if permitted by then,) the party spirit takes over.
The lunar eclipse on 5th suggests you don’t over react to authority or criticism. Better to use that time for goals and challenging yourself to overcome obstacles.
Your time cometh after the 22nd, but the first three weeks of July are excellent for preparing and planning where necessary. Those weeks are your retreat time of year to garner energy and know what new things you want in your life. Being ready is the key, and in later July when the Sun enters Leo you can reap the benefits.
Friends and groups play a big part this month and the new moon on the 20th sees a new start and new contacts which are overdue. Listen to your intuition more this month- it will give you good guidance. A creative hobby or project comes to fruition and attention now. Start one if you haven’t already! Whether you want or indeed can travel, the adventurer in you is getting restless later July and making a plan will ease that itch!
Old and new encounters fill your stage this month. The lunar eclipse back in late June has changed much for you and now as you enter July you can see the influence you have had on others. Maybe there has been a bit of a clearing house of late, but you needed to shake your feathers and fly freer. Your arena of the inner child, fun, and artistic appreciation, is highlighted and people will enjoy your perceptions and jollity.
Money owed you will be on the agenda in the first two weeks of July and any issues therein will get resolved with more clarity in the second half. You are wiser than usual this month so help others with that depth and compassion. Use the 14th for luck and expansion. Timing is good then.

Earth Signs
Early July sees you more at home with yourself and your comfort zones. Make the most of that, as later on you are urged by planetary movements to make more of an impact in your environment. Your verbal skills and know how are on the ball after Use them in work or in helping others.
If you find yourself experiencing frustration (Taureans are not known for handling frustration well!) activities such as dance and music will assist this, Infact your creative side in whatever form is highlighted in July – don’t waste it. The maverick planet Uranus has been in your sign for 18 months now-what are you doing to be inventive in your lifestyle? How much of a maverick do you wish to be?
You can choose July to be a gentle month, if you wish. And why not? It is a healing month for you in many ways and whether or not you help people as a profession or as a volunteer you will feel a pull to assisting someone. If writing appeals this is a good month for it as ideas will come quite seamlessly. Your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde till 12th so until then don’t let past memories confuse you. Simplify matters and love yourself more.
If there are unresolved financial issues you have been putting off now is the time to get on top of them. Pacing yourself is your best way to be happy in July. Going with the flow suits you best as a rule in July in any year and never more than now. It will pay off!
Until the 22nd when the Sun enters Leo, it is in the opposite sector of your horoscope and thereby putting you on hold a little. Not a bad thing as July is a time for you to receive more and ask for your needs. If you are not good at that, now is the time to soften and allow others to help you for a change. Any communications which have recently been off kilter will start resolving and provide clarity.The Full moon and lunar eclipse on the 5th in your sign holds within it an opportunity to know yourself and your strengths better. Speaking your mind will come over in a positive way and engender respect. If you are thinking of home changes this could be the month to discuss them more and start plans. Even if you are settled it is still timely to re arrange domestic matters and décor.
Air Signs
The lunar eclipse on the 5th highlights your financial sector. Are you on top of that area of your life? If not this month is the ideal one to do so. Your values will be important to you as the new moon draws close on 21st, and new ways of communicating with loved ones emerge. Active Mars is travelling all month through your landscape of groups, friends and future vision. What is most important in your life now? More than usual It will be healthy to simplify things and be discerning.
As your ruler Mercury has been giving you food for thought recently, in midmonth you can enjoy more clarity and progress.
The desire to get ahead in some area of your life is accented now. If you have felt indecisive or trapped of late, know the stars are on your side in July and you can forge a way through stuck situations. If working proposals are put to you to consider, something interesting will emerge. What do you really want in the present role you are in? Mars is firing up your ambition, whether with goals or the need to be stronger on home matters.
After the 22nd when the Sun moves into Leo you will be able to enjoy yourself more and people are generous towards you. The full and new moons on 5th and 20th highlight the need for decisions overdue. His month is one of real growth and self knowledge for you!
The lunar eclipse on 5th occupies the arena of your horoscope concerned with your inner world and things behind the scenes. What have you left unattended for too long and how aware are you of the pull to follow your intuition more? You will be into a very verbal and communicative mode now and it is important you don’t overload yourself.
Surprising opportunities come your way and contact from people from the past – especially from work fields. Your romantic zone is also stimulated and you can flirt and charm well all month. Take some chances in love. Lighten your step and bring on your zany side more.

Water Signs
The Sun and Mercury in your sign until the 22nd and 5th August respectively are bringing out the desire for new projects and plans. You will stimulate others to bring fresh air into their activities too. Even if you do not see yourself as a typical Cancerian homebody, this month will see you want to bring fresh air, even sudden change in your home and family habits. The new moon in Cancer on 20th in your sign is a useful time to create new habits.
Your inner life is wanting you to be gentler on yourself. Maybe more naps? Doing things your way is on the agenda. A partner’s goals and career will speed up and if single you can apply that to your own enterprises. Surprise folk a bit this month. They will cooperate.
Your moods and needs are changeable in July. Not a bad thing at all but the main thing is to avoid suppressing them. Your ruling planet Pluto aligns with the Sun midmonth and it would be good to avoid confrontation then. Your mind is incisive at present – a study or looking at ways to be helpful in the community, online or otherwise, will channel it well. Expression externally in a healthy way is the guidance from the stars this month. The lunar eclipsed full moon on 5th links with your arena of technology, learning and negotiation. Take advantage of this in the first week of July and put your knowledge to good use. You may even after 22nd be looking for ways to earn money from this! Is there a new career or paying hobby on the horizon for you?
You are feeling the urge to be productive in new ways. You certainly don’t lack imagination so, whatever form it takes, produce something which you and others enjoy looking at. Writing and art appeal. A certain restlessness accompanies you in July and the dreamer in you wants an outlet. Photography shows off your visual talent so take photos, videos etc of things you wouldn’t normally consider.
Your ruling planet Neptune, has recently changed direction. It is time to honour your intuitive, even psychic side now. Let it guide you and take the path less travelled in your routines and walks. See things and people with new eyes and a new happiness emerges.
Keep Well and be kind to yourself and others!