Finding the Shores of Courage through the Social Media Stormy Waters with Remi Dayo-Omole
Explore the journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth with Remi Dayo-Omole's new book 'A Refreshing Time with God.'

Every day is filled with distractions and challenges and many of us find ourselves seeking a deeper sense of purpose and fulfilment. We are constantly striving to keep up with the demands of modern life, often losing sight of our true selves in the process. But what if there was a guiding light to help you navigate this journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening? If you are thinking that “It must be more to life than social media likes”, keep reading!
We embark on an inspiring expedition with the remarkable Remi Dayo-Omole, a passionate author and devoted Christian.
In this article, we will explore the transformative wisdom contained within her acclaimed book, “A Refreshing Time with God.” What does it take to accept your power within, navigate the stormy waters of social media and discover ways to leverage the digital reality for inspiration and spiritual growth.
A brief history of the Bible
The Bible, a sacred text revered by billions around the world, has an illustrious history that spans millennia. Its influence on humanity is unparalleled, making it one of the best-selling books in history.
The Bible’s origins trace back to the ancient world, where the texts of the Old Testament were passed down through generations as oral traditions before eventually being written down in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. The New Testament, containing the teachings of Jesus Christ and the early Christian Church, was written in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE.
The Bible’s impact expanded, reaching countless communities and cultures through translation efforts. One notable milestone was the Latin Vulgate, translated by Saint Jerome in the 4th century, which became the standard Bible for the Roman Catholic Church during the Middle Ages.
With the invention of the printing press in the 15th century by Johannes Gutenberg, the Bible’s dissemination skyrocketed. This ground-breaking innovation allowed for mass production, making the Bible more accessible to people worldwide. Despite the initial setbacks in distribution of the first 3000 copies of the Bible which was initially printed in Latin, the Bible’s widespread availability contributed to its status as one of the best-selling books in history. Gutenberg went bankrupt but his printing press enriched the world forever.
Estimating the exact number of Bible copies sold throughout history is challenging, given its extensive circulation over the centuries. However, various sources indicate that the Bible’s sales are in the billions. For instance, the Guinness World Records recognizes the Bible as the best-selling book of all time, with an estimated 5 billion copies sold by 1995.
Apart from its religious significance, the Bible’s impact extends to literature, art, music, and cultural identity. Its timeless wisdom has inspired countless authors, poets, and artists, shaping various literary and artistic movements throughout history.
Despite its wide-reaching influence, the Bible remains a subject of ongoing academic and theological study. Scholars continue to explore its historical context, linguistic nuances, and interpretations, delving into its profound teachings and messages.
The Bible’s history is a testament to its enduring importance and widespread impact on human civilization. Its status as one of the best-selling books in history, along with its profound influence on diverse cultures and art forms, reflects its universal appeal and timeless significance. As its teachings continue to resonate with individuals from all walks of life, the Bible’s profound journey continues to unfold across the ages.

Navigating the stormy waters of Social Media
As the digital age continues to evolve, Remi Dayo-Omole’s message resounds with increasing urgency. We must navigate the allure of social media thoughtfully, recognizing the impact on mental health, particularly among the new generation of consumers. With her empowering insights, Dayo-Omole urges us to strike a balance between the virtual and real, unplug the soul from the clutches of anxiety, and embark on a journey towards authentic connections and true purpose. Day 72 is structured as a step forward into a new era of mindful digital engagement and embraces the transformative power of genuine human interactions.
“A Refreshing Time with God” is not just a spiritual guide but also a wakeup call to the influence of social media on our lives. With its insightful messages and thought-provoking questions, the book prompts readers to introspect, find a balance in their use of social media, and recentre their focus on faith, community, and meaningful connections. It serves as a beacon of hope in navigating the complexities of the digital age and finding solace in a deeper connection with God and one another.
Among the thought-provoking questions posed in the book, one stands out: “Do we follow people on social media platforms for the right reasons?” This question serves as a critical reminder to evaluate our actions on social media and whether we are using these platforms to share God’s word and meaningful content or to glorify vanity.
In “A Refreshing Time with God,” Remi Dayo-Omole addresses the pervasive influence of social media on our lives, urging readers to reflect on its impact with thought-provoking questions. The book highlights the overwhelming array of social media platforms that have created an alternate reality where people vie to outshine each other. Dayo-Omole aptly points out, “Social media has created an unreal world where people want to outshine one another. People want others to see them as inauthentic and false versions of themselves.”
The author delves deeper into the consequences of this façade-driven culture, emphasising how social media often distorts our self-worth and priorities. The pursuit of validation through likes, comments, and followers leads many to seek friendships and connections based on superficial appearances. Dayo-Omole astutely observes, “We build our self-esteem and worth based on the number of likes, friends, and comments we receive.”
This constant chase for external validation can take a toll on authentic social interactions and community integration. As more time is spent in the digital realm, there is a risk of neglecting the value of real-life relationships and the sense of belonging to a community. The book highlights how this phenomenon affects churches and high streets, leading to declining church attendance and a weakening of the sense of community.
The author cautions readers against falling into the trap of the devil’s divisive tactics, which aim to segregate people and disrupt the power that comes with unity. The need for a balanced approach to using social media is evident, and Dayo-Omole urges, “If we must use these platforms, let us use them to spur one another toward love and good deeds.”
The book encourages readers to re-examine their relationship with social media and to prioritise their time spent with God and loved ones. Dayo-Omole passionately reminds us, “God knows his own, and he will respond to those who honestly and earnestly seek him.”
Unplugging the Soul: Navigating Social Media with Remi Dayo-Omole
As we traverse the digital landscape, the allure of social media has become an inseparable part of our daily lives. From Instagram’s captivating visuals to Twitter’s concise thoughts, the allure of constant connectivity lures us in. However, in the quest for virtual validation, there lies a profound and growing concern – the rise of anxiety among the new generation of social media consumers. In this continuation, we continue our journey with Remi Dayo-Omole, exploring the alarming statistics that intertwine with the pervasive impact of social media on mental health.
The Allure of Social Media
With countless social media platforms at our fingertips, younger generations are presented with an unprecedented array of avenues for self-expression and connection. Yet, the photoshopped virtual polished facades of social media influencers can often blur the line between authenticity and fiction. As Remi Dayo-Omole aptly expressed, “Social media has created an unreal world where people want to outshine one another. People want others to see them as inauthentic and false versions of themselves.”
Statistics on Anxiety
At the same pace as the ever-expanding social media landscape, anxiety has stealthily infiltrated the lives of digital natives. Studies show that anxiety disorders affect a staggering 284 million people worldwide (Our World in Data, 2022). The new generation of social media consumers is particularly vulnerable to this phenomenon, with the Anxiety and Depression Association of America highlighting that 72% of individuals feel overwhelmed by stress and anxiety at least once a month (ADAA, 2021).
The Perils of Seeking Validation
Social media’s enthralling power lies in the pursuit of validation, as likes, comments, and followers have become the yardstick of self-worth. The relentless quest for virtual acceptance has, in turn, eroded authentic connections and community integration, as Remi Dayo-Omole warns, “The more communities we build on these platforms, the fewer value people attach to social interactions and community living.”
A Call for Balance and Purpose
In the midst of this digital storm, Remi Dayo-Omole’s voice emerges as a beacon of hope and wisdom. Her inspiring insights guide us towards reclaiming our identity and purpose beyond the confines of social media. As we spend hours navigating these platforms, Dayo-Omole challenges us to introspect, asking, “Do we follow people on social media platforms for the right reasons?”
The Journey Towards Authenticity:
A call to break free from the virtual illusion, Remi is inviting readers to rediscover the joys of genuine connections and community living. By embracing Remi Dayo-Omole’s guidance, social media could be a tool for positive change, celebrating one another towards love and good deeds.
About the Author
Remi Dayo-Omole: A Passionate Author and Devoted Christian
Remi Dayo-Omole, a talented writer, and devoted Christian, was born in Lagos, Nigeria, as one of five children. Her early experiences with writing and performing in play scripts for friends ignited a spark for creativity that would later shape her life’s journey. Despite her passion for writing, she chose to pursue a career in law, earning an LLB honours degree from Lagos State University and subsequently attending Nigeria Law School.
After completing her legal studies, Remi ventured into a new chapter of her life when she married and relocated to the United Kingdom. Embracing the responsibilities of motherhood, she lovingly raises her two children while managing a fulfilling writing career.

Remi’s deep Christian faith plays a significant role in her life and work. She firmly believes that every individual is created in God’s image with a unique purpose and endowed with the power of dominion to achieve great things. Her unwavering conviction is that fear often stifles this potential, leading people to settle for mediocrity. With a strong desire to inspire others, Remi encourages individuals to break free from complacency and embrace their inherent greatness.
In May 2020, Remi rekindled her passion for writing, dedicating herself to penning inspirational works. The result of this newfound dedication was her book, “A Refreshing Time with God.” Within its pages, Remi artfully motivates readers to discover and fulfil their life’s purpose, offering a delightful journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.
Nature serves as a wellspring of inspiration for Remi, particularly plants and flowers. In the enchanting beauty of blooms unfolding under the morning light, she finds a reflection of God’s magnificent creation. Her appreciation for the natural world manifests in quiet moments of awe as she gazes at the sky, contemplating the wonder of existence.
Remi Dayo-Omole’s journey as an author and her profound faith make her an influential figure in inspiring individuals to embrace their true potential. Her words ignite a sense of purpose and hope, encouraging readers to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. As she continues to share her insights and uplifting messages, Remi leaves an indelible mark on the hearts of those who encounter her work.

Remi Dayo-Omole
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