Finding Your Zen and Inner Peace in a Busy Life
The Zen practice has been around for centuries but finding your Zen and Inner Peace in a busy life is never been more necessary than now. Finding Zen is a path you choose when setting an intention to enrich your…

5 Ways To Stay Present in the Moment
Today is a gift. That’s why we call it ‘The Present’- How can you stay in the present moment? With the busy-ness of our daily lives, sometimes it is hard to see the forest for the trees. You might be thinking about…

Mediterranean Diet’s Secret: More Extra Virgin Olive Oil?
Observational studies have suggested that the Mediterranean diet and Extra Virgin Olive Oil may reduce the risk of breast cancer. The Mediterranean diet has been analized in many research studies in the past 60 years. One of the most surprising…

Three Ancient Superfoods for Modern Super Humans
If you heard the terms “superfood” and “superhumans” you know ancient history holds best answers for modern lifestyle. Athletes, sport legends and celebrities consume superfoods that offer maximum nutritional benefits for minimal calories. What are the foods packed with antioxidants,…

Vintage Rugs Taking the Floor in 2022
We can safely say that designers and trend spotters agree that vintage rugs do seem to be back in style in 2022 and choosing history over fast fashion adds value to our lives. Our growing aversion to fast fashion and…