5 Easy Steps To Creating A Healthy Morning Routine

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to create a morning routines to improve your lifestyle and health. Whether you’re getting ready for work or taking a break from it, there are plenty of ways to start your day with great energy to last you throughout the day. Not only will it help you feel better, but it’ll also help you stay on track. When it comes to your health, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, so find what works best for you. A good morning routine can make all the difference in looking and feeling good.
There are many benefits to having a morning routine, including increased productivity and improved mental and physical health. If you’re looking to start your own morning routine, here are five easy steps to get you started!

Wake up at the same time each day as morning routine
Wake up at the same time each day: This is the first and most important step to creating a morning routine. Waking up at the same time each day helps to train your body to wake up at a certain time and makes it easier to get out of bed in the morning.
Take A Moment for You every morning
The most important step in creating a morning routine is to set aside a few minutes each morning just for yourself. This time is for you to do something that makes you happy and start your day off on the right foot.
Taking 3 deep breaths before you start your day increases the oxygen flow to your organs, body and brain. It makes you feel refreshed and awake, increases your energy, increases your immunity, lowers your blood pressure and improves your digestion.
Meditation is another great way to start your day. It can help to clear your mind and to focus on the present moment. It’s a great way to relax and to center yourself.
There are a few different ways you can meditate. You can sit in silence and focus on your breath, or you can listen to a guided meditation. There are also many different apps that you can use to help you meditate.
Meditation is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety, and it can also help to improve your mood. If you start your day with meditation, you’ll be more likely to have a good day overall.

The peaceful Warrior is a practice from martial arts and takes approximately 7 minutes. This routine gives you energy, keeps you grounded and helps you really get started. It is made up of 6 elements.
1) Shake your body – this helps shift your lymphatic system
Close your eyes, drop bend your knees and lightly bounce, do this for about 40 seconds
2)Twist your body and tap your kidneys- increases mobility in your spinal chord and stimulates the adrenal glands
3) Drumming / Tapping your Meridians – releases energy that is stuck
a)Tap your chest and breast bone,
b) drum on your stomach,
c) drum on the top of your shoulder down your outside of your arm and back up the inside of your arm
d) Go down the kidneys, glutes and down the inside and outside of your legs tapping the ankles at the bottom
e) Use the tip of your fingers to tap your face, put your index fingers shortly inside your ears
f) Gently pat the top of your head the back of your head and the forehead
4. Spine Move – increases the flexion of your spine
kneel on the floor or sit on a chair, put your hands on your knees, push your belly out and bow your head backwards. Then gently circle your head breathing deeply as you do this.
5) Fire Breath
While kneeling put your hands in the air with thumbs up. Breathe out quickly n small amounts for 1 minute
6) Breath-Hold – this re-oxygenates the body
Take 5 deep breaths. After the fifth one hold our breath without breathing in. Hold until your body is asking for air which is about 30 seconds, then take a deep breath in and repeat the cycle. While doing this set your intention for the day. Then finish with a positive statement such as
“Let me be WOW today.“

Make your bed every morning
Making your bed is the first step to creating a morning routine. It may seem like a small task, but it can make a big difference in your day. Making your bed gives you a sense of accomplishment and sets the tone for the rest of your day. It also helps to start your day with a tidy room. The simple task of making your bed can increase your productivity, it can help lower your stress level and can improve your mood. As William H McRaven said “If you want to change the world, start by making your bed”.

Set your goals for the day ahead as a morning routine
Firstly writing down what you are grateful for is a great start to the morning routine. The next step then is to write in your journal your intentions for the day as it helps to clarify your thoughts and sets up your energy for the day.
It is so important to realise that you get what you vibrate so it is important to be positive in your intention. So firstly identify your desire and decide what do you want. By writing this down it will give your goals for the day attention and put them in your vibrational bubble. One of my favourite ways to start my journal entries is ‘I’m in the process of attracting and allowing…’ If you do not like writing you can use a spider diagram for both the gratitude and the ‘
‘I am in the process of attracting and allowing...’

Exercise is key to a healthy morning routine
Exercise is a vital addition to your morning routine. It gets your blood flowing and helps you wake up. It also gives you energy for the rest of the day.
There are a few different ways you can exercise in the morning. You can go for a run, do some yoga, or even just take a brisk walk around the block. Choose an activity that you enjoy and that you can do every day.

Walking helps the brain stay active and your brain productivity increases 20% after a brisk walk, It improves your creativity and your non-linear thinking. Your mood improves and you will become happier. In a study on walking it was found that the perfect range is between 7000 and 9000 steps a day. Below 7000 exposes you to greater risk of chronic diseases and above 9000 would give you more benefits but at a declining rate.
Yoga has increasingly become more popular as it helps the mind body and spirit. It includes deep breathing, the befits which have been mentioned above, it helps with flexibility, strength and balance a good morning yoga routine is the Sun Salutation
Exercise is not only good for your physical health, but it’s also good for your mental health. It can help to reduce stress and anxiety, and it can also improve your mood. If you start your day with exercise, you’ll be more likely to have a good day overall.
Lives are busy but self-care at the start of your day will bring you so many benefits that the rest of your day will be even more productive. Your stress levels will reduce, your body and mind will feel more alive. So set your alarm clock 30 minutes earlier and discover a new and healthier you
“Your future is found in your morning routine. Successful people do daily what others do occasionally”