Category Wellbeing
Feeling Good and Happy Every Day- The Luxury of Time
What makes you feel good and happy today? What is your relationship with time? Dr Marina Nani looks into the luxury of time.
Feeling Good and Happy Every Day: Re-imagine Life After 50
After 50, many women believe their days of firsts are over. Dr Marina Nani is reflecting on re-imagining life on your own terms to start feeling good and happy every day.
Feeling Good and Happy Every Day: The Science of Perception
Time moves differently for young and old. I remember walking with my grandchildren after a day out, listening to them relive every moment—each sandcastle, wave and shell a grand adventure in their telling. While they experienced the day as vast…
Feeling Good and Happy: Your Self-perception Reshapes a Happier 2025
Feeling Good and Happy starts with Your Self-perception. What is the story you tell yourself about yourself when no one else is listening? Dr Marina Nani looks into the Self-Perception shift that will help you reshape a happier 2025!
Feeling Good and Happy Every Day: Five Minutes to Get Your Life Back On Track
Take a moment to ask yourself: "What could I create tomorrow that would matter a year from now?" Not what could you get done – what could you create? Dr Marina Nani is looking at simple steps to start feeling good and happy. Can you find five minutes to get your life back on track every day?
Feeling Good and Happy- Tuning into a Frequency of Happiness and Ease
What would your life feel like if you lived with a little more happiness and ease? Dr Marina Nani looks into tuning into a frequency of happiness and ease, a choice you can make to feel happy and good every day.
Finding North When the Unthinkable Happens: Spark Strength to Thrive During Conflict
For millions of people, the unthinkable happens every day. How do you spark strength to thrive during conflict? Dr Marina Nani looks into what is available to you when everything around you is falling apart.
Jennifer Thompson: Breaking Free from the Claws of Perfectionism and Self-doubt
Research shows that millions of high achievers get caught in cycles of self-doubt and flawless success .
In her book, If We’re Being Honest: Silencing the Lies We Tell Ourselves to Live a Life We Love, author Jennifer Thompson offers the antidote to these struggles and break free from the claws of perfectionism.
Feeling Good and Happy: Trading your ‘How?’ for the ‘WOW!’
When you ask yourself “How can I do this?” you may not realize it, but this question puts you in a position of self- doubt. Dr Marina Nani is exploring a simple trade: shifting 'how?' for the 'Wow!' with enthusiasm so you can start feeling good and happy .every day.