Tag self-perception
How To Stop Seeking External Validation and Measure Self-Worth
In an era dominated by likes, retweets, and follows, external validation has evolved into a distinct form of social currency. With every photo upload or post shared, the craving for that dopamine rush from external approval becomes an ever-present force.…
10 Easy Steps to Break the Self-hate Cycle & Change Your Self- perception
In a world of billions of daily ‘likes’, a staggering number of people struggle to break the cycle of self-hate and negative self-perception. Studies indicate that over 85% of people suffer from low self-esteem, while nearly 85% of young adults…
The Power of Unlearning: Overcoming the Negative Effects of Social Conditioning
Have you ever stopped to think about social conditioning and the negative effect on your beliefs and values that shape your worldview? How much of what you learned and believe about yourself and your place in society is based on…
How storytelling has shaped our history and impacted your self-perception
Storytelling has been an integral part of human communication for thousands of years, shaping our history and our perception of the world. But beyond its cultural and social significance, storytelling has also been the subject of scientific research, with studies…
Understanding External Validation Psychology: Why We Seek Approval from Others
Self-Perception: The Positive Spin That Changes Your Future
Positive thinking is a powerful tool that can have a profound impact on our lives but self-perception is the secret ingredient that changes the future and enriches your private, social and business life, equally. The idea behind positive thinking is…