Tag self-discovery
Angela Frazier- Rising from the Abyss

Angela Frazier's remarkable book, "Rising from the Abyss: Unveiling God's Plan," finds its profound resonance in one sentence that will never leave you: There is light to be found. If you doubt your ability to escape your dark hour, this book is for you.
Alison Weihe- a Woman Who is Finally Unapologetically Herself

Belonging it's what makes us feel truly alive, connected and part of something greater than ourselves. Alison Weihe, the author of Belonging is a woman who is finally unapologetically herself.
From Dusk to Dawn: Unveiling the Heart of Siem Reap, Cambodia – A Journey of Community and Self- Discovery

As the first golden rays kiss the ancient temples of Siem Reap, a new chapter unfolds for Dr Dossett—a chapter of connection with total strangers, including herself, a profound experience of self-discovery. Ever felt lost in the vastness of the world? Keep reading on as Dr Dossett takes on on this inspiring tale of finding unexpected solace in strangers and forging unlikely bonds on the Mekong Bridge.
Finding the Shores of Courage through the Social Media Stormy Waters with Remi Dayo-Omole

Explore the journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth with Remi Dayo-Omole's new book 'A Refreshing Time with God.'
The Crisis of Self-Trust: Understanding the Science Behind Your Inner Light

In a world filled with constant change, uncertainty and an endless barrage of information, self-trust seems to be a scarce commodity. With an overwhelming influx of information and opinions, people often find themselves doubting their decisions, instincts, and capabilities. This…
10 Key Factors That Shape Your Identity: Understanding What Defines You

Your identity is shaped by more than just your experiences. Explore the surprising factors that influence who you are and how to use this knowledge to your advantage.