Tag pregnancy

Ayurvedic Remedies for Morning Sickness: A Holistic Perspective

clear glass pitcher with lemon juice

Morning sickness is a natural part of pregnancy, but Ayurvedic principles offer tools to manage its intensity. Seema Datta explores dietary adjustments, remedies and foods like ginger pickle, for expecting mothers to navigate this journey with vitality and grace, nurturing both body and soul for themselves and their babies.

Ancient Wisdom for Holistic Pregnancy- Easy Steps to Embrace Garbh Sanskar

Ancient Wisdom for Holistic Pregnancy- Easy Steps to Embrace Garbh Sanskar

As the custodians of creation, women wield the power to imprint the subconscious of the unborn child, a responsibility that calls for profound contemplation. In her debut article, Seema Datta, the Ayurveda Executive Contributor and founder of Keyajee, deciphers the ancient wisdom of Garbh Sanskar to inspire expecting mothers embrace a holistic pregnancy .