Tag positive change
Michelle Jewsbury: Harnessing The Power to Overcome Past Trauma and Take Back Your Life

Behind closed doors, pain and trauma are often buried deep within the heart, but these silent battles unfold, affecting millions across the globe. Statistics unveil the harrowing reality that an estimated 61% of adults in the United States have experienced…
8 Easy Rules Successful Business Women Apply To Have A Happy Life

We all want to be happy, and for business women, that means having a work-life balance. It can be difficult to achieve this, but it is possible! Comparing yourself to others is a recipe for disaster. Everyone is on their…
The Challenge Of Being A Woman of Firsts And Making A Positive Change In Modern Society

It can be difficult to make a change in society. Being a woman of firsts in our society is a tall order, despite all the sacrifices women make for progress. It takes courage to stand up against the majority and…
Women Facing Uncertainty with Confidence Create Positive Change

In a rapidly changing world, it’s more important than ever for women to be confident and stay positive in the face of change and uncertainty. Positivity creates Positive Change – something we all need more of in the world today.…
Six Easy Steps to Lasting Positive Change in 2023

While facing the recent challenges of 2023, lasting positive change takes a front raw seat in everybody’s mind. What are the easy steps you can take, moving forward? The last two years’ lockdowns and living with the pandemic have been…