Tag living
Design your Sanctuary at home to alleviate anxiety

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and stressed, which can lead to anxiety. While there are many strategies you can use to manage anxiety, one of the most effective is to create a sanctuary at the heart…
3 Steps to Embrace the Outdoor Living with Confidence

After three lockdowns, you might need a little push to build up the confidence and go out…Choosing the right outfit for outdoor living, is always difficult. Here are 3 easy steps to re-imagine your summer and reconnect with nature in…
A Girl’s Confessions about Simple Living, Self Love & Adversity

I hear more people focus on simple living, self love, resources, resilience, confusion and the power of connection during this high level of adversity. The chaos, suffering and great pain, for me, unleashed many unexamined and sometimes dark parts of…