Tag humanity
Mother Teresa – the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize for A Life of Compassion

We want to take a moment to celebrate 45 years since Mother Teresa received the Nobel Peace Prize for a life of compassion. "Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love."
Stacey Ellis: Homeless and Addicted To Helping Others

Throughout the streets of most major cities within the United States, a common visual along any thoroughfare is to see a human being, sleeping on the sidewalk, covered by what most would see as refuse and garbage. Underneath the pieces…
Mothers Shape the Future of Humanity

There's no denying that mothers play a vital role in shaping the future of humanity. They are the ones who nurture and care for their children, instilling in them the values that will guide them throughout their lives. From an early age, mothers teach their children about right and wrong, helping to mold them into good citizens of the world. It is clear that mothers have a tremendous impact on the future of humanity, and we should all be grateful for everything they do for us.
So, If you are a father, remember to celebrate your mother. And if you are a mother, know that you are making a difference. You are shaping the future of humanity, one child at a time.