Tag habits
10 Habits that Make You Feel Inferior and Dent Your Identity

10 Surprising Habits of Highly Self-Confident People

A decade back, I found myself on the precipice of transformation, my essence wrapped in a shell of introversion, barely daring to voice my ambitions. Yet, within me simmered a profound yearning to evolve, to move from the shadows of…
What Stars do Differently to Supercharge a Morning Routine?

From Self-doubt To Self-awareness: What You Don’t Know About Yourself?

What do you know about yourself? Could you honestly say: “I know myself like the back of my hand.” ? From your deepest fear and self-doubt to your self-awareness and the greatest dream, could you be intimately aware of every…
The Power of Good Habits and How They Help You Getting Up When You Are Down

The world can be a hard place to live in, and it can be especially challenging when you are facing a difficult situation. But there are ways to cope with your set backs and get through them. In this article,…
Six Easy Steps to Lasting Positive Change in 2023

While facing the recent challenges of 2023, lasting positive change takes a front raw seat in everybody’s mind. What are the easy steps you can take, moving forward? The last two years’ lockdowns and living with the pandemic have been…