Tag female leaders
The Power of Trust: The Benefits of Delegating Tasks for Women in Leadership
Female leaders, with their unique strengths and perspectives, excel in the art of delegation. Eva Rosa Santos shares her own experience to inspire you to empower your team and optimize your time.
Veronica King: Can a Positive Mindset Make You a Leader Worth Following?
Life often unfolds in unexpected ways and every female leader we interviewed in the last decade agreed that every single challenge they had to overcome was an opportunity to align themselves with their true purpose. In the midst of chaos…
A Fractured World: Is the Gender Pay Gap a Challenge for Women or for Humanity?
Far too often in my life, I’ve been told that “girls should maintain a quiet and composed demeanour, refrain from speaking too loudly or too frequently” because it’s deemed inappropriate, and that my ideas therefore hold little significance. In essence,…
Female Leaders’ Secret Power: Choosing the Power of Love over the Love of Power
In a world often characterized by the pursuit of power and influence, Female Leaders are coining a different kind of leadership —one driven by the power of love rather than the love of power. This paradigm shift is not only…