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Enjoy Before Returning: Why Some Brands Are Encouraging Returns
Looking at new words like “Social distancing” or “zoom hugs” we all agree that they are reflecting a new reality. We came across a word that, while is not new, it reflects a trendy consumers behaviour on the rise: wardrobing.…
What Money Can Buy, Stock Market, Future, Bonds And All That – Interview With Jasmine Birtles
“Spread your bets” because there is nothing safe, no investment is fundamentally safe. So, the only way you can defend yourself and defend your money is to put some money into a number of different types of products, like cash savings accounts, shares, pensions, bonds, property, etcetera, because all of them work in different ways. If one product tanks, then you've got a few other products that you can fall back on. Oh, and my other mantra is about managing your money: “spend less than you earn and invest.”