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Carving your own path: is resilience the key to success? 

Is resilience the key to carving your own path to success?

It's not in the discovery of new lands, but in seeing with new eyes that we truly find ourselves. When you read Angela Frazier's book, "Rising from the Abyss: Unveiling God's Plan", you will discover a new perspective on the power of resilience and how it helps us carving our own path to success. What is the unique clue found in Angela's book?

From scars to stars- finding purpose after trauma

From scars to stars- finding purpose after trauma

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, trauma survivors rebuild themselves, from the depths of despair with newfound strength and wisdom. We reached out to Angela Frazier who recently launched her autobiography "Rising from the Abyss: Unveiling God's Plan" to share her fascinating trajectory from scars to stars.

From Impossible to Possible- Beacon Leadership with Dame Neslyn Watson-Druée

From Impossible to Possible- Beacon Leadership with Dame Neslyn Watson-Druée

Extending a generous offering of wisdom and authenticity "From Impossible to Possible: Beacon Leadership" - third edition is the culmination of a lifetime of sacrifices dedicated to empowering others. With humility and insight, Dame Neslyn Watson-Druée, DBE. invites readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, propelling them toward a future defined by purpose, passion, and profound possibility.

Angela Frazier- Rising from the Abyss

Angela Frazer- Rising from the Abyss

Angela Frazier's remarkable book, "Rising from the Abyss: Unveiling God's Plan," finds its profound resonance in one sentence that will never leave you: There is light to be found. If you doubt your ability to escape your dark hour, this book is for you.