Category Lifestyle
Maggie Berry OBE, Women’s No 1 Global Matchmaker

Have you ever imagined Maggie Berry, the Matchmaker, blending elite certification and working to connect your business into the global supply chain? Gone are the days when matchmaking was about finding an ideal husband. In today’s business world, women executives…
5 Bold Steps Restaurants take into colour and taste after CV Outbreak- London IT
Tables are shared, kitchens become a stage for performing chefs, and especially after lockdown, spaces are opening up, inviting customers into the mix, so they don't feel alone anymore.
Loved Celebrities Couple are recovering in self quarantine

Self quarantine, covid19, social distancing are new words that even the most loved celebrities couple had no choice but to learn fast. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson are back to their last trip to Australia and recovering at their home…
Pink, Spring, Face-masks and Morning Jackets Outbreak During London Lockdown
At the top, the echelon of fashion is grooving under shaky movements throughout this multi billion industry....seems that in London we have plenty of time to choose the right shade of pink for our morning jackets, well, after the outbreak...