How to fall in love with your life (again) and build effortless prosperity

The Frequency of Success Series
Do you feel out of love with your every day life? If your daily routine starts to overwhelm you, it is time for new rituals, fall in love again with your life. Where do you start? We reached out to Paula Bohland to learn how to re-set your intentions and how to embrace effortless prosperity. Learning how to make the little, extra changes and effort, makes a huge difference in your life and success. Getting some assistance in discovering what those changes may be for your, will take your life to a new level of prosperity.
Paula Bohland, Founder of Maven Soul, is an award winning motivational speaker, author, blogger, consultant, and master business coach who specializes in personal and business growth and development. She is passionate about assisting people in finding their purpose, success, and joy. She works with women who are making bold moves to live fully, intentionally, think, dream, love and live big. Her pioneering project in Guatemala has involved the creation of coaching schools for women from the lower social economic level. These women have little or no chance of education or employment. This project enables the women to support themselves, their family and others by following their business dreams.
What do you feel is the most important part of your journey so far?
The most important part of my journey so far is connecting with all aspects of myself and finally “standing in my own shoes”. When I stopped reacting to all the “noise” of what I should be doing, who to please, what methods to use, what to do to make money, and made the decision to design and follow the best path for me, everything changed. My income tripled and is continuing to grow exponentially, my business is soaring, my relationship to my goals and dreams changed and I am truly happy.
How do you follow your own inner truth and unwavering belief?
I have developed a deep connection with my intuition. This came about through the development of my daily spiritual practices and a decision to live in a spirit of gratitude. I also seek out other ideas and people who are managing successful businesses and lives in a similar manner. I limit the “noise” that is provided by others and our culture from the belief that success is only achieved through working constantly and driving yourself into the ground.
Who are you helping now?
As a Master Business Coach, I support many types of businesses to develop and grow, from small start- ups, women living in poverty, to multi -million dollar corporations, management teams, female executives (and those leaving corporate roles) and CEO’s. I am proud to be working globally, assisting women who live in severe poverty in Guatemala to create sustainability in their family. I assist them to develop successful entrepreneurial ventures and also become coaches in their country. It is beyond wonderful to be on this journey and impact lives so importantly in my coaching role.

What has been your biggest challenge?
Before I made the decision to work from my values, focusing on gratitude, my inner guidance and belief in myself, my business was a failure. I was not really assisting any clients, I was broke, about to lose my home, worried about how I would feed my son, overwhelmed, and tired. I could not figure out why I kept failing even when I had graduate degrees, experience, training, worked all the time, and was doing everything everyone else told me to do. I kept trying for years. I almost quit and just accepted “my lot in life” was one of being broke and hopeless. The decision to work from gratitude, intuition, setting intentions and belief in myself and my inner guidance changed it all quickly. I grew financially but also became truly “rich”, living from purpose and using my gifts to impact and help people in the world.
Do you think our fears and doubts can be a catalyst and fuel for change?
Yes! Fear and doubt are negative emotions. We are programmed to run away from that which feels bad so naturally we run from these feelings and get into doing instead of being. It is counter intuitive but if you go to the feelings of fear and doubt and just be with them, explore them and allow them to be part of you, often you can learn a great deal and overcome them. If one uses fear and doubt as a catalyst to examine why those fears are present and what they represent, they can understand and resolve that which is holding them back from being their best self, and living stronger and bigger. As you learn from the emotions, they can be a super catalyst for change and empowerment.
How do you keep hold of your dream?
I hold the overall vision of what draws me, my passion, my values, my purpose and the picture in my head. I have no time frame for achieving all of the vision but keep working towards it. The mental, runs in my head like a movie, is on a vision board and I share it freely which serves to solidify the memory and knowledge of the dream.
What was the best piece of advice anyone ever gave you, and did you follow it?
One of my mentors once said, “Golden opportunities come infrequently, when you see one and feel it in your gut, go after it with all that you have in you”. I have followed that advice, and share this advice often with others because it has proven to be a great guide to my success.
How did you find your definition of success, what does success mean to you?
I chased external success- large sums of money, houses, and “things” that society told me made me “rich” for many years. I found that focusing only on external success made me overwhelmed, negative, depressed, empty and needy. Through trial and error I found that real success is achieved both internally and externally and should not be forced. I like having money, financial security, a nice home and freedom and I have those things.
However, I treasure my sense of direction, working from purpose, connection with a higher spirit, feeling excitement to get out of bed every day, feelings of peace and joy for living, being part of a loving community, and living in the moment of knowing what is right for my life and business intuitively. I called this way of living ”effortless prosperity” and those who have it are the really rich people.