Happy Table: Cooking’s Therapeutic Power
Our editor looks into cooking's therapeutic power and shares the joy of cooking your own food. Cooking a meal requires focus and attention to details, allowing you to be present in the moment, reducing your stress level. Sitting around a happy table helps you relax.

Sage Your Home Before Easter: Purifying Tips for Abundance and Joy
As nature awakens your home is a promise for new beginnings We share a few tips for purifying your home before Easter to invite greater joy and abundance.

10 DIY Hearts to Open the Energy of Love on Valentine’s Day
Add a a touch of romance with the Valentine's Day 10 DIY Hearts to open the energy of love, adorned with charming cherry hearts. Make your home the most romantic destination this year!

10 Things to Avoid When Hosting an Easter Party at Home
Hosting a party could be a daunting experience. We curated 10 things to avoid when hosting an Easter Party at home.

The Science Behind Unapologetic Confidence, Over- apologising and Self-worth
Do you find yourself apologising too often in daily life? In contrast celebrities project a strong sense of self-worth, unapologetically owning who they are and what they stand for. What is the science behind unapologetic confidence, over- apologising and self-worth?

AI Companionship – a New Generation of Students Seeking Healthier, Happier Ageing
AI companionship is designed to bring more confidence in using technology and empowering seniors while enjoying the benefits of AI. A balanced approach is crucial in creating a new generation of students who are seeking healthier, happier ageing.

Elizabeth Francis of Texas, America’s Grandmother, Turned 115- A Legacy of Longevity and Faith
Elizabeth Francis of Texas, America;s Grandmother, turned 115 on 25 July 2024. Her incredible journey through time is not just a testament to her personal resilience but a legacy of longevity and faith- a reflection of her fortitude and the loving support from her family and community.

New Study on Genetics and Healthy Lifestyle Habits’ Influence
New study shows that only 5% to 10% of cancers result from the genes we inherit. A healthy lifestyle is critical to lowering cancer risk, and unhealthy habits are accountable for at least 60% of cancer cases.

Challenging the Norm: California’s First Women’s Sports Bar
Discover the first women's sports bar in West Hollywood, CA—an exciting new hotspot where empowerment and sports collide. Visit today!

Why Women Pay More for Haircuts Than Men
Discover why women often pay more for haircuts than men. Explore the factors like styling complexity and time that contribute to the price difference.