Tag intention
Speak with Purpose: How Female Leaders Make Every Word Count

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. Winston Churchill In the vast web of human interaction, our words are the notes that define the harmony in…
8 Easy Steps To Influence Your Negative Energy And Be Intentionally Happy

We are all born with energy from the divine source and it is up to us to access and use that energy in a positive way. Frequency is the rate at which something vibrates. The higher the frequency, the more…
The Power Of Luxury Self Care Rituals For Intentional Vitality during Covid-19

Re-discovering yourself as a mature woman, mother and a truth seeker is never easy unless you understand the power of luxury self care rituals for renewal and vitality. When I first heard the term, ‘Luxury Rituals’, it felt somewhat contradictory. What…